Tuesday 4 October 2011

Stray Dog Found Home

I feel a bit flat. The last 24 hours have been filled with possibility. Last night, driving home from work I saw a stray little dog in the middle of the road. So I picked him up bundled him into my car and drove home lickety split. Upon entering my backyard he was very scared, espiacially when Matilda and Mia came bounding over to say hello, but soon it was all waggy tails and licky faces and smelling butts.

I was wondering what to do with this poor little creature ALL DAY today. He fitted into our little house so well, he fell asleep under the coffee table like he had been there for the past 20 years. I left for work today with mixed emotions, I knew I had to go to the pound....I didnt want to leave him there. I called every possible place letting everyone know I had a little lost dog and has anyone reported him? No one had. so secretly, the little shining ray  of excitement peeked his head into my working day. Perhaps. Perhaps we could have ANOTHER dog. An old, placid, quiet dog. The complete opposite to Matilda (Who is a big bundle of energy)
Don't get me wrong. If there was a sad family who were missing their little dog, I would hand him back STRAIGHTAWAY.  But no one had reported him. No one seemed to care. I decided to take him to the vet after work and see if he had been microchipped and then I could evaluate what to do.
The vets were so lovely. He did have a microchip. His name was Darcy. (I was secretly calling him Morris) He was 7 years old, and his tearful owner was coming to pick him up straightaway. Which was FANTASTIC. I am so glad he has a home.

But there were a few things I wanted to tell his owner. That maybe he should get him groomed often as he had a lovely long coat which was full of dreadlocks, knotty bits and he looked uncomfortable. And also maybe he should have a collar with a little name tag with DARCY and his phone number on it. And maybe he should be wearing his registration tags. Because there are some people who would not look for his owner. Some people would just keep him, and if you love your little pet you should make the effort to look after him very well and try to make sure he does not get scared and lost.

So that is why I am a bit flat. I almost had another dog who was a real beauty. But I LOVE Matilda. And I will do my best to make sure she does not ever get lost.
xx Tash

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